The Perfect 20 Minute Full Body Workout

You can’t hit the gym and you don’t feel like popping in a video, or you can’t. We’ve all been there, and our fitness suffers because of it. The worse times for me, is when company is over, the kids have taken over the TV, or I’m traveling. I’m not going to exercise in front of people because it makes me feel weird, and I’m not traveling with an arsenal of videos.

This is an awesome, no thought to it, full body 20 minute workout. You can even adjust the time and easily shorten it 10 minutes, if you’re schedule is really cramped. You can also run through it 2-3 times and get a KILLER 1 hour full body workout.

You’re simply going to run through all of the exercises, performing each one for 1 minute. This will give you an incredible, full body, booty, leg, arm and core, 20 minute workout. 

Like I mentioned above, if you need to shorten it, do each move for 30 seconds and voila! You have a 10 minute body buster.  Brave it 2-3 times through, 1 minute per move, and you have a 40-60 minute workout. 

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