It's Finally Here!

After all of the “spring is here” fake outs, random hot summer like days and the freak May snow storm {!?}, real spring finally hit. I hope anyway. It seems it is here to stay this time around. Such a crazy start to the year.

I was outdoors enjoying the weather like always, when I got my first sunburn in years. I’m always super careful. The last time I burned was on my chest, maybe 6 years ago. It was unavoidable that year, no matter how high the SPF and how frequent the slathering.

We were outside, pulling weeds by hand for hours on a slightly cool spring day. I started feeling sick and tired. It wasn’t until I woke up the next morning that I realized, I was burnt to a crisp.

It was only in the oddest spots. The back of my neck, my right arm and my right foot?! I must have been walking around all hunched over to the left or something. It was by far the most ignorant looking sunburn I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some doosies.

Needless to say, I’m now in the market for a sunblock for the entire family. I hate sifting through brands. My list of wants is pretty long: natural, oil free, light application and wear, high SPF, easy to apply, perfect for faces and body, baby care approved…

I have my eye on a couple brands and types. I’ll be sure to share when I finally find “The One.”

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