Football Season

So, it’s that time of year again. All the men are glued to the tube every Sunday, so Saturday is the “do it all” day. Gotta fit in the whole weekend’s worth of activities, into that one single 24 hour period. Then Sunday is ball game and greasy pizza.

We were driving around to the Renaissance Festival last weekend when Jaime started talking about the Raiders coming to our local KC Chiefs stadium tomorrow, Sunday October 13th. My dad and brother are die-hard fans. They’ve been following them through the good and bad [mostly bad the last 10 years], since I can remember.

It brought me back to the good old days, when the Raiders went to the Super Bowl back in 2003 and lost to the Bucs. Now, I’m not a football fan… not at all actually. BUT, I’ve always been into the food and drinks. I loooooooove a good Super Bowl party, or any game party really…

When I remembered! We had Subway cater!! Oh man, that was the biggest, most awesome sandwich ever. My sister had been talking about ordering one forever and that year, finally had the perfect occasion.

They have awesome giant subs, which is what we had, and phenomenal sandwich platters, which I’ve had at a few baby showers. I’ve been thinking I’ll have to have them cater our kid’s upcoming birthday. They would be amazed by the giant sub and who wouldn’t love the cookie tray.

So excited! Excited about planning upcoming birthdays, and excited about all the good 2013 football eats... Happy Football, Happy Partying and Happy Catering!

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