clean eats | Potato and Tomato Galettes

When I find new recipes that don’t quite fit into my lifestyle of low glycemic, moderate fats, etc… and I just have to have them... I clean them up! This is a fantastic recipe. It’s a modified version of Martha Stewarts Potato and Tomato Galettes. Such an incredible side. We serve a few piles along with 4 ounces of lean protein and piles and piles of extra veg.

Organic Olive Oil Non-Stick Cooking Spray
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
8 HoneyGold Potatoes
4 medium sized tomatoes

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Spray a baking pan with just a touch of the non-stick cooking spray. Cut the potatoes into thin slices, keeping each one separated from the other sliced piles. Each potato is going to make its own galette.

Take your potatoes and start to form 8 circles. After you make a first layer, spritz with a dash of non-stick cooking spray and sprinkle with a little salt, pepper and fresh thyme. Finish the piles off with a final top layer, and repeat with a dash of non-stick cooking spray and a sprinkle of salt, pepper and fresh thyme.

Place 2-3 tomato slices on the top of each potato arrangement and top with a final dash of non-stick cooking spray, thyme, salt and pepper. 

Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the edges just start to get golden and crispy. That’s it! Enjoy…
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