Conscious Box Review + Giveaway

Recently I was introduced to Conscious Box, and completely fell in love! For many, many, many years, I have been an eco-nut and green activist. I try and go natural and organic with everything I use: bath & body care, cleaning products, food, home & garden...

I was really excited to learn that Conscious Box was started by a group of young eco-advocates, because too many businesses label themselves as “Green.” They are absolutely right. It can be really confusing deciphering between what’s natural, what’s earth friendly, what’s okay for kids, adults and where to draw the line. They truly make it easier to source unique, pure brands.

Conscious Box has it all. When you subscribe, you receive a box filled to the brim with sustainable, pure, natural products, delivered right to your door each month. It is the best way to find new ethical supplies from a variety of unique businesses.

You choose the duration, and you can even choose a box type, so if you are vegan or you need gluten free, they have it.

A Gift for All
Use coupon code LOVELIFE and receive 50% off any subscription. That is a significant saving [subscribe here]!

The Prize
A 3 month subscription to Conscious Box! That’s 3 free months of door delivered healthy, sustainable snacks, ultra-conscious home products, natural bath and beauty products and more.

How to Enter...

{1.} Head over to Conscious Box’s Facebook Page [visit here] and LIKE it...

{2.} Then, leave a comment on their Facebook page, letting them know that you found them via The Everything Soap Blog. 

{3.} After you are done, send me an email HERE [] with your preferred email contact and name, so I can contact you if you win.  That is where I'll be drawing the winner from.

That’s it! Super simple to enter… Don’t forget to share with your friends…

This giveaway will be running from today, to Thursday April 25th 2013, at midnight, CST - SUPER GOOD LUCK!

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