We had some Ups and Downs

We had a great visit with Jaime's mom, Blanca, for the kids 3rd birthday.  The only thing I regret, is getting sick.  I don't know if I ate something bad the second night she was in town, or if I had a bit of stomach flu kick back in, but I had days wiped out.
We were still able to shop, shop and shop some more... eat good food, go out, play at the park.  It's so great when people visit, because I get to run around to all the favorite places I won't go alone.  Eggtc was awesome, as always.  I hadn't been there since last year.  They have the best Salmon Eggs Benedict in the world.

On my very soon "to do" list: World of Fun.  We wanted to go during the weekend, but i didn't think I could handle all day at the park + a date night out when I was still a little under the weather.  We're dying to try it out!  


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