{tutorial} Ponytail Angled Bob

The Perfect Self Cut Angled Bob in 3 Quick and Easy Steps...
Plus, No Mess!

My family and I moved to Missouri a few months ago and I still haven't gotten myself acquainted with a hairdresser. I've found virtually everything else, but my hair was last on the list because my old stylist cuts to last. It's going to be hard to replace her. I haven't had a lot of time, so I reverted to my old method of a self haircut via ponytail. I've always loved an angled bob. I think it's effortlessly sleek, classic and adds style to even the most lifeless hair. It's a quick fix for overgrown tresses that need a quick kick of style. So, today I'm going to share my 3 easy steps to getting the perfect angled bob at home.

First you are going to part your hair where you are planning to part for your new style. Then you're going to pull your hair back into a ponytail at the nape of your neck, where your hair line ends. You don't have to be super picky or super perfect, but try to make sure your hair is in the ponytail as evenly as possible.

Then you are going to take your time and gently cut straight across the ponytail horizontally, just under the ponytail holder. The closer to the ponytail holder, the shorter your bob, the further from the ponytail holder, the longer your bob. The ponytail is going to be thick and take more than one quick slice, this is totally normal. Just don't sweat it, keep the scissors even and keep trimming away until you break through all the hair. It only takes a few seconds.

Lastly, pull out the hair band. Voila! The perfect angled bob. There are so many options for styling. You can let it air dry for a natural wavy beach style, you can let it curl for a soft classically ethereal style or smooth with a flat iron for a sleek sexy style. I also love playing with volume and a swooped bang. You can literally achieve over a dozen completely different styles out of this single cut.

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