Safety 1st

We have finally been baby safety gearing up. Last night we put a few things together. The last items left on our list are cabinets, some door handles for when they are a little bigger and an oven lock. They've been desperately trying to break through the safety equipment. This morning Parker was pulling out tools from the workbench Grandpa Bill got them for Christmas. When he looked closer and realized there were no screws he switched to hammering things to death.

We don't have anything hazardous that the kids can get in to, so I've been going old school up until now. I'm a big believer in letting them try new things and if they get hurt, they won't do it again. Not the serious stuff like stove tops, just the basics like cabinets and drawers. Because we've been living that way, they are very careful.

Our only problem is dealing with the messes, changed channels and overly pushed buttons. They like to pull my Tupperware out, which isn't a problem for drumming, but is a problem when they start hiding pieces. They are also obsessed with the Xbox button. It makes a fun chirping noise and lights up blue when it's pressed, so Eli goes to town on that thing. I also know once they can keep the toilet seat up, everything will be going in. They love playing in water. I can only imagine what's next.

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