Blog to Book

I found the coolest thing earlier this week - I had no idea there were companies that professionally print blogs into real books. I noticed the link when I was logging out of my Blogger profile. The particular one I found and am really impressed with is Blog2Print.

Why would I want to turn my blog into a book? For my kids. I love to post family updates so everyone can stay current on what is going on in the Cascante household here in Missouri. I have the perfect collection of chronologically ordered posts that tell the entire Parker/Eli story. From the beginning I've blogged about every hair cut, every new trip, all of our moves, and more, with thousands of photos. Literally thousands - I found that out when I loaded up my two first books. I no longer have to feel bad for blogging instead of baby booking - I was unknowingly doing them both!

So I have vowed to break each year up into 2 books: One for January through June and one for July through December. You can print in hard cover with a dedication page, table of contents -AND- can go through each post and pick and choose what you don't want included. I'm so excited about it. My two 2011 books cost just under $100 a piece. That may sound like a lot, but they are over 200 pages, printed in high quality full color, with front and back cover photos and a hard cover. Totally worth it!

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