It’s Official!

For those of you who are still just getting to know me, a short recap.  I’m youngish, married and have 9 month old twin boys and somehow manage to run my own company and make time for my hobbies.  What most people don’t know, including some family, is that my husband and I haven’t been on a date since my third trimester of pregnancy.  Quick math: That’s over a year!!! 

Owning my own business, I don’t have the opportunity to get out regularly.  I’m hands on all day and night with work and the twins, which is an awesome situation, but cabin fever is at an all-time high.  After months of deliberations, hubby and I decided we are finally ready to trust our mini me’s to the capable hands of my mother-in-law so we can have a romantic night out.

We’ve hit a few bumps in the road already.  Parker (twin A) has suddenly decided to be a finicky eater this week which has been SO FUN…AND…the last time we went to Blanca’s (my mother-in-law), hubby decided he wanted to stay late and we tried to get the twins to sleep there; wasn’t happening.  They do like regularity and a certain schedule.  We have to plan the perfect timing between feedings and make it possible to get home early enough that they can nap on the ride home; 5:30pm it is!  How romantic right!?  You have to do what you have to do to make it work. 

SOMEONE was in charge of making the reservation and with procrastination comes loss.  Our romantic first date in over a year is set for…wait for it…4:45pm!!!  I think that technically falls in the classification of a late lunch.  I’m going to have to order Chinese by 9:30pm when I’m hungry again, but I’ll take it!  I’ll take anything with a smile on my face.

Now the most annoying part is deciding what I’m going to where.  I had this entire sexy night out, black lace thing going on that was already a little too dressed up for the original time, but it’s a very special occasion.  It’s like our anniversary from last year, the 4th of July, my birthday, his birthday, New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day all rolled into one.

So today is going to be spent making fresh soaps to ship out, taking care of the sweet, squishy little babies and deciding what I’m going to wear!  Again!  I’m thinking keep the shoes, clutch, maybe some dark wash skinny jeans and a sexy/dressy top?  Argh!  All this planning and overthinking and hubby will be ready in 5 seconds and look perfect; not fair!    

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