I Heart Target

I have been really impressed with Target for a long time. They have really great prices, tons of unique items and always seem to have their eye on hot trends. I go wild in there every single time: purses, shoes, kids clothing, house décor, bed sets, kitchenware, there wine selection, tea selection, patio furniture, yard tools - absolutely everything.

I was messing around looking for a good snack in the freezer area when my husband got all excited about their brand of crème brulee. I love the stuff, so we took a box home with us. I wouldn’t ordinarily care to babble about a random snack, but there brulee was extraordinary.

Two fresh, all natural brulees that come in their own terracotta dishes. The real stuff, like wash and re-use forever. I really didn’t expect that. They are totally cute. You throw on the sugar they provide, make your little sugar glass, cool per directions and eat them up. They were fantastic. Totally restaurant quality and now I have some new dishes. I highly suggest picking up a box the next time you’re perusing around.

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