DIY upcycled wine bottle décor

This is such a quick and easy beginner DIY project. It’s fun. Even more fun than creating it, is collecting the bottles for the project. There are endless uses for these bad boys. I personally used them to add height and visual interest to the dark cabinet in my kitchen. They fit in perfectly with my wine and food gallery wall.

You can also use them to “save the space” in your wine rack, when you don’t have enough bottles to fill it up. You can put together stunning table arrangements for weddings, holidays, outdoor dinner parties and craft shows. You can make them without the corks and put in flowers or candles.

Grey spray paint primer
Gold metallic spray paint
Silver metallic spray paint
All the wine bottles you want

You can play around and change the colors. For a spring theme, go for yellows, bright orange, teal, light greens. For winter colors, go green and red, dark orange, browns. Create an ombre look with multiple shades of one color.

I used what I had on hand, all my metallics.  They were leftovers from my guest bedroom DIY that you can check out here. I didn’t have to go out and purchase anything, so this project was completely free.

Run a sink full of warm soapy water. Cut the metal off the tops of the wine bottles. Pop out your corks and rinse the inside of the bottles and the corks. Fill each one with a little dash of soap and hot water.

Throw your corks and bottles into the soapy water and let them soak for an hour. One by one, remove the labels. It’s super easy. You just want to peel off the main paper part. It usually comes off in one swoop after soaking. Don’t worry about getting all of the glue off, or the under layer of paper. Leaving the glue on makes a really cool ghost label design and adds interest and sort of a vintage feel to the bottles.

Set aside the corks to dry…

…and the bottles. This is an easy project to start in the morning, because at this point you want to let them dry for a couple hours. If you need to run out and do some things, come back, maybe pick up spray paints for the project, this is the perfect time to break up the day and do so.

Re-cork your bottles, then in a well-ventilated area, primer your bottles and let them dry. The new spray paints only take 15 minutes, so it’s a quick job.

Spray on your metallics. For this job, I went with 4 gold and 3 silver.

And that’s it! Use to your heart’s desire.
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