Our Last Year in Review

I can't believe it has been another full year of blogging fun for friends, family and those getting to know the lady behind the brand, Milk & Honey Naturals. I love to take a peek back each and every year. I always feel like we're sitting around doing nothing, and often find myself wondering why I'm so tired. When I take a look back I realize, we never stop moving! What have we been up to the past year?? Pretty much everything...

We've watched a ton of fun TV and movies, cooked everything under the sun, made up dozens of new recipes, I had my first week alone with the kids when hubby took a business trip, we've shopped, shopped, shopped, hosted a ton of giveaways, turned 30, celebrated all our favorite holidays, participated in multiple guest posts, interviews and even a few magazine spreads, moved AGAIN, bought a new home, bought tons of new furniture - that's not even 1/12 of the year and it's hard to believe already. I'm crossing my fingers for an amazing 2013!  Happy New Year!!

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