Operation Redecoration Continues!

I had too much fun over the few holiday weeks. The icing on the cake after Christmas and New Years, was the continuation of making our house a home. It's been such a long process. It takes a little while for me to get a feel for a place, before I start having decor flashes of what needs to be where. Well, they've been coming in full force, and with the removal of our Christmas tree, we actually finished off our living room and dining room.

First, with the Christmas tree gone, we were left with a huge empty corner. After arguing for a month about wall decal quotes and various art to fill the spot, we finally agreed simultaneously on a variety of individually chosen floating shelves and cubes, filled with fun knick knacks ranging from functional to completely whimsical.

Then, we weren't even planning to be able to afford to decorate the dining room for at least a year, until I ran into the best deal for a bookshelf, that would easily double as the perfect kitchen display. I couldn't find a china or curio cabinet the right size for less than $500 anywhere. I leapt at the price, which was a quarter of anything else we looked at.

The after holiday sales helped too, with twenty five and thirty five percent off sales, on top of buy one, get the second for a dollar...I have to say - with our budget, we did really good.

My Favorite Pieces
I would have to say my favorite two pieces, out of the dozens we picked out, are our little yarn rhino and my horsey. My kids have inspired me into an entire new direction with home decor. There is something that instantly puts a smile on my face when it comes to quirky pieces and fun, bright colors, mixed in with all of our traditional mild adult furnishings. Both pieces are unexpected and completely fun.

The Husband
I have to give a special shout out to my husband. If it wasn't for him helping me, I would never be able to make my visions come to life, at least not in a timely manner. I have never been good at assembling furniture. Every time I've tried, I've ended up with pieces put together dyslexic and extra nuts, bolts and screws. Operation redecoration, in all of its stages, has been a complete success thanks to him.

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