On The Hunt

Our Maybe

Jaime and I are getting really serious about looking at houses now. Not that we weren't before, but we're actually getting down to crunch time. Now that we've done the research, looked at the schools and neighborhoods and run the numbers through our mortgage calculator, we've been witling everything down into categories for touring.

Next Round - First Choice

Last Friday we looked at two homes, one older, one newer and both in amazing neighborhoods. So far we have a NO WAY {!} and a maybe. We're keeping the maybe on the backburner and are planning to put in an offer if we aren't majorly impressed with the next few viewings.

Next Round - Second Choice

-but- I'm super stoked about the next 3 choices. Jaime picked the first 2, I picked the ones we'll be seeing this week. I'm really hoping one of these upcoming homes will be our it and all and that no one else steals it out from under us. I just want to walk into a home and have it feel like the right place. I have really high hopes for these next three homes.  They are all beautiful and have everything we want and need - fingers crossed!

Next Round - Third Choice

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