Pajama Jeans!!!

Okay, this is BY FAR one of my top favorite reviews. Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows that I am a SUPER busy mother of twin boys. I have about 10 extra pounds of baby weight left on me that I haven’t cared to get rid of because well, it’s cold and I just don’t care.

I am a little too big to fit in my really tiny pre-pregnancy clothes and the few pairs of jeans I can squeeze into are not very forgiving. I am constantly lifting 20 pound boys in and out of car seats, strollers, walking them for miles every day to mentally stimulate them. I pretty much live in one pair of purple yoga pants because they are easy, breezy and work for my active lifestyle.

A few months ago my dad told me about PAJAMA JEANS! My first thought was gross, that’s just what I need; sweats that look like pants. I think being a complete bum is a quick slippery slope and yoga pants to sweats would probably break me down to a life of mustards. That’s what we called the yellow sweat pants my dad wore for years.

After watching a few of the internet videos showing moms riding bikes with their kids and then throwing on pumps to go out, I thought what’s to lose. They are only $39.95 and I get a free T-Shirt. I ordered a pair. They usually take 6-8 weeks to arrive, but I got mine in less than 3.

I washed them last night and they looked extra-long. I slid them on thinking I would have to hem them myself and they were perfect. I am at a loss of exact words for how splendiferously freakishly AMAZING they are! They fit snug in the butt and upper thighs and make you look slimmer without actually pulling you in tight.

I expected sag and strange feeling fabric. To tell you the truth, they feel like a very stretchy pair of jeans, but they have way more give and still fit perfectly. Jeans with too much elastic tend to stick to bad areas, highlight lumps and bumps and look well…just bad. I don’t know how they do it, but it is a true miracle. I was doing high karate kicks, squats, running, fake cycling and then threw on a pair of heels for my husband to take pictures.

You can truly go out for a night on the town and no one will even begin to slightly suspect your jeans aren’t regular ones and you could go to the park and roll in the dirt if you wanted to. This is my favorite purchase since my InStyler. I will be ordering a few more pairs of these and most likely won’t ever go back to regular jeans. They need to make more colors because I want some white capris, black skinny ‘jeans’…you name it. They make it, I’ll own it.

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