
Today I wanted to leave everyone with some really amazing off-beat movie finds. My definition of an off-beat movie is any movie with a calm, understated brilliance. I love that they are humorous and touching in an almost completely ordinary way. It really adds to the charm of a movie when they aren’t going for Oscar speeches and loud ‘look at me’ ‘listen to me’ humor. I typically peruse through all of the independent films to find these types of gems.

A recent find, ‘Outsourced’ with Josh Hamilton and Ayesha Dharker. It is all about an American born and raised guy that is suddenly sent to India for a few months when his entire department is outsourced. I loved that it was so realistic when it came to this type of foreign work contracting. It had a great mix of humor, culture and a touch of romance. I adored that it poked around at the silly stuff Americans buy.

I literally just watched ‘Ahh! Zombies!!’ starring Michael Grant Terry, Betsy Beutler, Matthew Davis and Juliana Robinson last night. I loved it! It’s definitely not your typical zombie horror flick and I think would be enjoyed by most everyone because of its lack of usual zombie grossness. The entire movie is shot from the prospective of the zombies and had me laughing from beginning to end. I had no idea going into the movie how they were going to pull off the theme, but they did it. It was seamlessly brilliant.

While my husband is at work and the kids are napping I try and find not so good movies to make background noise. I unknowingly picked ‘The Virgin Suicides’ starring James Woods, Kathleen Turner and Kirsten Dunst among a long list of great celebrities. Five minutes in and I was so hooked to the plot I got nothing else accomplished. It is the story of how a large family copes after one of the five sisters commits suicide. It was a refreshing look into the beautifully complicated lives of women and had a charming dark humor that had me a little sad one minute and laughing the next. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and was stunned by the end.

As always, if anyone has a movie they think my husband and I would enjoy, please feel free to Email or comment.

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