Operation Redecoration

Over the holiday weekend we moved our hideously out of place TV into the family room. We are still working on cleaning up the wiring for that completely hidden look.

The new open space upstairs has given us the extra room to fit our tree - and also buys me 5 weeks to decide what to do with the open corner while the tree is there. I still can't believe we put it up over the holiday weekend. I never thought I would be the type to put up holiday decor on a traditional schedule.

We also ordered the new table for our dining room. We wanted to keep as much space as possible, so we actually went for a corner nook. I couldn't be more excited. It goes with the shabby chic / vintage French country look we're starting to spin around the house. When it comes in I'll be creating a modern cafe sort of feel in that area.

In all we've had a classic family holiday week. Great Thanksgiving dinner, kids bundled up to play out in the cold and lots of family time. We couldn't be happier to have the opportunity for a much needed break together.

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