Ingredients Corner - Kelp Powder

A stunning natural green colorant loaded with mineral and vitamin benefits. I highly suggest working with it at least once, either directly in formulations for beautiful hues of green and unique texture variations -or- steeping it for straight color while maintaining the original texture of the product.

When using Kelp Powder to color bath and body products, extra special care has to be taken to keep the natural aroma minimal. It does have a very pungent sea scent. When I use it in my products, I use it as minimally as possible to acquire all of the benefits, while making the scent as easy to neutralize as possible. I combine it with natural, unrefined butters - typically cocoa and shea, which have their own soft, nutty aromas. From there I will blend in bright scents that completely eradicate the aroma of the kelp powder, like peppermint, eucalyptus and tea tree essential oils.

Two products I've been producing for years, with Kelp Powder as a natural colorant, are our Tea Tree and Eucalyptus solid shampoo and Tea Tree and Peppermint Morning Blast solid shampoo.

Kelp powder contains over 60 minerals and elements, 21 amino acids and a slew of simple and complex carbohydrates.

Kelp Powder Benefits:
  • Contains a high amount of vitamin B, iodine, magnesium, folate, calcium and iron, which support hair growth and naturally repairs dry and dull hair
  • Aids in detoxification
  • Loaded with essential fatty acids and polyphenols that aid in anti-aging

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