Our New Home {DIY}


We recently purchased our first home in Missouri - in fact, we just moved in yesterday. I'm the kind of person who, based on the overall look of a home, really enjoys dreaming up an overall decor theme. With 7 homes in 7 years, there's a lot of dreaming to be had. For this new tot, we're going Vintage French Country - very classic New Orleans. For those who aren't familiar with French Country, some snaps:


When redecorating a new home, I like to remain as thrifty as possible in areas that can give a little, like accents. My most recent project, thanks to The Country Chic Cottage - DIY Vintage Labels. With my collection of pickle jars, baby food jars and vintage mason jars, I'm fully ready to follow along with Angie in creating the perfect upcyled vintage touch to our home.


you can DIY with Angie too - Simply: CLICK HERE


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