1143 Mile Move

On Our Travels We...
Woke up early to eat and hit the road...

Made extra stinky face...

Fell back sleepy...

Drove by lots of strange things...

Zoned out...

Made sandwiches out of the trunk...

Slept some more...

Tried to keep our eyes on the road...

Passed by really slow people...

Had a lot of picnics...

Enjoyed the scenery...


Waited patiently...

Ate a lot of vegetables...
Drove through a lot of mountains...

Slept some more...

Used the restroom is safe but iffy places...

Ate authentic MO BBQ food...

Traveled through strange storms...

Had our first family hotel stay...

Enoyed Illinois...

Made New Friends...

Were welcomed to the city...

Drove over scary bridges...

Saw crazy flooding...

Found Williamsburg, MO...

Drove over more scary bridges...

Drove by our cities stadium...

Ate at our first restaurant in our new home town...

Best potato skins ever!

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