Our Bathroom + Some Other DIY

I did not realize until I was looking around my blog showing Toby (my hilarious Accounting Assistant and A/P Specialist pictured below), how many insane DIY projects I’ve done over the years.
And for my girl Rayna… this post is also for you.  My DIY vases, candles and wine bottles are also included below in case you want to whip up some of the ones you were asking about yesterday.
What I wanted to start mentioning is my bathroom project!!  Jaime and I have a really nice house, but there are things you start to pick at.  First it was our new carpet that we replaced (also pictured below).  We have 3 different links to that project with the pic in case anyone wants to check those oldies but goodies out.  That was a hard project.
Besides bedroom stuff, furniture, a ton of DIY for pure enjoyment and visual effect… the bathroom floor was driving me insane.  With all of the nice carpeting, wood work, specialty molding and real stone floors, the one nice main bathroom had vinyl!  Ugly vinyl that was done really, really wrong.
Instead of buying a decent looking design (which I could see what they were trying to go for), they had the insane idea of cutting squares of vinyl and gluing them down individually like crazy to try and create a fake stone look.  This is a note to anyone doing vinyl flooring.  You don’t want seams, especially 500 seams in a room.  And especially not in an area that is going to be exposed to steam and moisture.
Even worse than the eventually sliding tiles, was what I found under when doing the project.  They had glued overtop of another vinyl floor.  Which, even though I was irritated, it did make removal easier because instead of prying up individual squares we ripped everything out in a sheet.  Anyway, below is the pic of our bathroom all finished and the wood look makes a huge difference in the entire design of the room.
And then below are some DIY projects for Rayna and others looking to throw something together for next to nothing that looks really, really nice.  And I will say my favorite place to scout out paintable pieces is the thrift store.  I find glass containers all the time for around ten cents a piece.  Happy DIY’ing!

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