Easter Weekend

I’m so bad! So bad with holidays. I had no idea it was Easter until someone mentioned something about the holiday weekend. I just smiled and nodded, went home and hit Google. You would think at my age with kids I would be better about these sorts of things. I’ve just never been much of a “make a big deal” holiday/anniversary person. Jaime and I don’t even do gifts for each other. But I do try very hard to make things fun for the kids. They need to have that excitement of special days to look forward to. I totally get that. I loved holidays when I was a kid because it always meant traveling, gifts, good food and seeing people we didn’t usually see.

After an insanely hectic week we decided to keep it low key. We stayed in and played with the box of goodies that my mother-in-law sent over. So we sidewalk chalked the entire back yard area, made billions of bubbles, put on temp tattoos, played with sticker books, went to the park, had lunch at Olive Garden and all sorts of activities throughout the entire weekend. The weather was beyond awesome. I’m really looking forward to full time spring and no more snow!


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